Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Oktoberfest...you have to see it to believe it

During Oktoberfest, you'll see many Germans wearing the lederhosen and dirndl dresses of traditional Bavaria. Patti and Patricia both dressed up for our trip to the festival. Unfortunately there were no lederhosen for me to borrow...damn.
Oktoberfest itself can best be described as a county fair...on steroids. It's held at a fair grounds type place, and has rides and booths with food and souvenirs. But the main attraction is the beer gardens or halls...10 or so buildings sponsored by different breweries, some of which can hold up 5-8 thousand people...no, that's not a typo. Inside these halls are rows and rows of tables filled with people eating roasted chicken, giant pretzels (delish) and drinking liters of beer. In the center of the hall, is a band, dressed in traditional Bavarian garb, playing everything from Bavarian drinking songs to Elvis to...you name it. And every one is standing on the benches, singing along to every word...
You really do have to see it to believe it...

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